Incorporate in Hawaii today with MaxFilings business incorporation services
When deciding to form a corporation in Hawaii you should review and evaluate the most recent Hawaii laws and regulations that apply to your specific business and, most important, seek the advice of a qualified professional who has experience with Hawaii corporations that are similar to yours.
MaxFilings helps business owners just like you form corporations in Hawaii. Here are a few reasons why MaxFilings stands out as the resource of choice when forming a Hawaii corporation:
- MaxFilings helps you get organized in an orderly way and you set the pace – you can save all your incorporation information in one handy spot online and make changes anytime until you’re ready to incorporate…or you can order your incorporation online right now!
- There’s never any obligation to order and there’s no charge for saving your information – you only pay your incorporation fees when you’re ready to order. View our competitive pricing – it includes all state fees and other charges so you’ll have no surprises later.
- As you incorporate in Hawaii, you need to think about growing and promoting your new corporation – MaxFilings’ online promotions partner SEO Advantage offers you expert services in PR, web development, search engine marketing, web site optimization, and graphic design.
- Best of all, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed!
You can start getting organized or incorporate right now with our handy online incorporation system.
Some of the reasons business owners choose to incorporate in Hawaii
- Business owners who incorporate in Hawaii experience the peace of mind derived from the limited liability protection a corporation provides. Hawaii corporations can protect your personal assets, since they cannot be used to satisfy debts and liabilities of the corporation. A Hawaii corporation’s limited liability protection also shields its shareholders from any claims arising from lawsuits.
- A Hawaii corporation’s board of directors and officers enjoy the same limited liability protection as do the corporation’s shareholders.
- Unless you elect to have a special “pass through” tax status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by filing an IRS Form 2553, your Hawaii corporation will enable you to shelter and retain more income since a corporation files tax returns and pays its income taxes (at generally lower tax rates than do individuals) while the individual shareholders report and pay personal income taxes only on monies paid them by the corporation. Although shareholders are required to pay taxes on income from dividends paid by the corporation even though income taxes were previously paid by the corporation (called “double taxation”), a Hawaii C corporation can facilitate the accumulation of earnings.
- Forming a corporation in Hawaii should make it easier to get additional capital than it would be with some of the other types of businesses. You can issue and sell stock or a variety of other financial instruments as evidence of interest in the corporation and ownership in Hawaii corporations can be easily transferred through the issuance or transfer of stock.
- Employees would normally prefer to work for a corporation rather than a proprietorship or partnership and a Hawaii corporation has the advantage of being able to attract, motivate and retain quality employees by offering stock option and bonus plans.
- Hawaii corporation owners working in the business are employees and are therefore eligible for certain fringe benefits such as group insurance plans, retirement and profit sharing plans, and tax-favored stock option and bonus plans. In addition, the corporation allows owners to reduce self employment taxes
- A Hawaii corporation is a separate legal entity and, in a sense, immortal and perpetual since it does not end with the death of a shareholder owner as do some of the other business types.
Here is more information you should know about incorporating in Hawaii. You’ll find links to official Hawaii web sites as well as state rules and regulations that apply to a Hawaii corporation’s name, board of directors, officers, shareholders’ meetings, and directors’ meetings.
See the full range of features, benefits, and pricing tailored to your needs.
Incorporate in Hawaii with MaxFilings